Getting started with the Renderers package

The first step is to have a Node.js project, for example:

$ mkdir project
$ cd project
$ npm init -y

This sets up a blank directory with a default package.json. Yarn can be used the same way, if you prefer that package manager.

Next you install the @akashacms/renderers package as so:

$ npm install @akashacms/renderers --save

Since the package is used solely by its API, you must have some code. Somewhere in that code you must initialize the a Configuration object. An example is:

import * as Renderers from '@akashacms/renderers';

const renderers = new Renderers.Configuration({
    partialDirs: partialsDir ? [ partialsDir ] : undefined,
    layoutDirs: layoutsDir ? [ layoutsDir ] : undefined

The renderers object is then used to find and use Renderer instances, as well as to find files.