Configuring the Renderers package

The primary application interface to @akashacms/renderers is the Renderers.Configuration class. It is used to find the correct Renderer instance for a given document, and to search for layout or partial templates.

This object is instantiated this way:

import * as Renderers from '@akashacms/renderers';

const renderers = new Renderers.Configuration({
    // options object -- ConfigurationParams

The options object is defined by the ConfigurationParams type. This is defined as so:

export type ConfigurationParams = {
    partialDirs?: Array<string>;
    findPartial?: (fn) => Promise<string>;
    findPartialSync?: (fn) => string;
    layoutDirs?: Array<string>;
    findLayout?: (fn) => Promise<string>;
    findLayoutSync?: (fn) => string;

    partial?: (fn, metadata) => Promise<string>;
    partialSync?: (fn, metadata) => string;

The partialDirs and layoutDirs values are arrays containing paths for directories. The partialDirs array is one or more directories containing partial templates, while the layoutDirs array is for layout templates. In both cases, if a template is required, there will be a search among the named directories for a template of the given name.

There is also a method, addPartialDir, to add a directory to partialDirs, and addLayoutDir to add a directory to layoutDirs. There are accessor methods partialDirs, and layoutDirs, to retrieve the current list of directories.

The findPartial and findPartialSync parameters specify functions to search for partial templates. There are default functions in the package that do a simple search over the named directories. Your application may want to supply your own search algorithm. The findLayout and findLayoutSync parameters do the same, but for layout templates. The Sync functions use only sycnhronous operations to search for templates, while the non-Sync versions are asynchronous and return a Promise.

The partial and partialSync parameters specify functions for rendering partial templates. The fn parameter is the file name for the template, while the metadata parameter is the data to use during template rendering. Default functions are supplied in the package. However, your application may want to supply a different implementation. The Sync function uses only synchronous operations.

To render a partial template, call either partial or partialSync.

Within the @akashacms/renderers package is the Renderer class, and several subclasses for the built-in Renderer implementations. This class is the interface between the package and the supported rendering packages. When the Configuration is instantiated, the built-in Renderer implementations are automatically added.

Your application may want to use other Renderers. To do so, create a Renderer subclass, then call the registerRenderer method.