Confuring Markdown

The Renderers package uses markdown-it, a CommonMark-compliant package for rendering Markdown to HTML. It is a solid and capable Markdown package, that is also highly configurable, and supports a range of plugins.

The MarkdownRenderer class gives us access to configure the Markdown-IT package, and to install plugins.

In GuideCMS you will find this block of code:

import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

const rendererMarkdown = renderers.findRendererName('');

    html:         true,    // Enable html tags in source
    xhtmlOut:     false,   // Use '/' to close single tags (<br />)
    breaks:       false,   // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into <br>
    linkify:      true,    // Autoconvert url-like texts to links
    typographer:  false,   // Enable smartypants and other sweet transforms
.use(require('markdown-it-highlightjs'), { auto: true, code: true })
.use(require('markdown-it-expand-tabs'), { tabWidth: 4 });

First, we use the Node.js API to create a version of the require function that works within the ES6 context. We need this because Markdown-IT plugins are loaded as CommonJS packages.

Next, we use findRendererName to retrieve the MarkdownRenderer instance. To the configuration method we pass a Markdown-IT configuration object.

The .use method lets us install Markdown-IT plugins. The first parameter is the package, loaded using require, and the second parameter is the options object for the plugin. The createRequire function configures the package lookup to be sourced from the filesystem location of guidecms.mjs. This is because of passing import.meta.url to the createRequire function.

The plugins used are markdown-it-highlightjs, which integrates the Highlight.JS package to do syntax highlighting. The second, markdown-it-expand-tabs, does some things with leading spaces in code blocks.

In the guidecms directory we ran these commands:

$ npm install markdown-it-highlightjs --save
$ npm install markdown-it-expand-tabs --save

This installs the two plugins in the correct location to be found by the GuideCMS code.

Next we need to make a couple changes to the configuration file, to load the CSS and JavaScript related to Highlight.JS. It used to be that the required files were included in the highlight.js package on NPM, but that is no longer the case. What we can do instead is to borrow some code from the Highlight.JS website, and download the CSS/JS files from their CDN.

For the configuration file used in GuideCMS, we can add this to the metadata:


This will be picked up by page.html.njk and cause the correct <link> and <script> tags to be generated. Another tag is required in the HTML to run the browser-side JavaScript:

    try {
    } catch (err) { }

These steps result in two things. First, Markdown-IT rendering on the server will include HTML classes for syntax highlighting. Next, on the browser side the required code to make the syntax highlighting visible is executed.